Age 14
Grade 4th
When Marie Lanette Gue's mother passed, she left behind 6 children.
2 Boys ages 2 months & 2 years old
4 Girl's ages 5 - 13 years old
Marie's father, Joristil Gai was advised by Pastor Odima Jossaint to as
Grace Children's Orphange to take Marie Lanette and her sister Esnite Gai.
The 2 sisters have made many friends since the transition and are
adjusting nicely to life in our Grace Girl's Home.
Place of Birth: Thiotte, Haiti
Birthday: October 6th, 2010
Arrival date to Grace Children's Home - May 15, 2018
A warm smile from Marie
Marie coloring
Marie Lanette in school with her friends & sister Esnite Gai :)
I came at Grace Home at age 6. I'm now in 4th grade in school.
I need a sponsor to help with my daily care and my educational needs.
Thank you for your love and prayer.